An important part of web development services is taking care of the content on your website pages contents to make sure they give the visitors the message you want to send in an attracting and a digestible way, here we list the main website pages and how the contents must be.
Homepage: It must be interesting and engaging because it needs to grab your visitors’ attention in the first few seconds they are on the page. It must have a brief explanation of who you are and what you do, a short description or list of your products and services, and maybe a brief explanation on how your products and services will benefit the visitor.
About page: An overview of the business including the history of the business, information about the business officers, if you are a solo entrepreneur a bio and photo, any awards, certification or special recognition you have received, and why you are different.
Services page: A summary of services offered, a list of services with brief descriptions, links to read more about specific services, the benefits the visitor will receive from the service, and how your services are different from the competitors’ services.
Products page: A summary of products offered, a list of products with brief descriptions, links to learn more about specific products (optional), the benefits the visitor will receive from the products, the product features, and how your products are different from the competitors’ products.
FAQ Page: Questions you are asked repeatedly, questions that always come up when speaking with prospects, questions that address (and solve) possible objections your prospects have, questions that can help remove any barriers or perceptions prospects may have.
Testimonials page: Testimonials help enhance your credibility, trustworthiness, and your dependability. Testimonials show your prospects that other people have hired your or bought your product and had success and it encourages them to do the same.
Contact page: Providing your site visitors all of the different ways they can get in touch with you. It must include mailing address, phone number, fax number, email address, social media profile web addresses such as your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles, directions if you have a bricks and mortar location, hours of operation, and the best way to reach you, and a contact form the visitor can fill out to reach you.
Privacy policy page: This is to let your site visitors know that their information is safe with you … or if it isn’t! What to include: A list of the information you collect, how the information you collect is used, how they can request a copy of the information you have about them, whether or not your information will be shared and if so, with who, and the policies you have to protect your business and your site visitors, prospects, and customers.
Portfolio page: If you create something. Typically a must-have page for designers, copywriters, photographers, artists, builders, etc., the portfolio page is where you get to show off your work in any way you want and show your visitors what you can do. It must include samples of your work! Try to show a diverse range of samples.
Read more about our outsourcing content creation services and outsourcing web development services.
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