An interesting definition of the concept “blogging” has been recently offered. It has been said that blogging is a blend of art and science. If you look at the blog as written masterpiece which is original and personalized and is created to expresses thoughts, believes, share ideas, tips, and experience than it is pretty close to the characteristics of piece of art, and if blog is something to share knowledge, discuss some novelties in different industries and spheres, teach how to do something then it is more about scientific stuff.
There are multiple ways to do blogging. But there is no ‘right way’ to approach blogging if you want to be successful. We have tried to collect interesting and useful tips for those who are just about to start blogging and for those who have already gained some knowledge and still seek for improvement.Let’s firstly look at the ideas which may do much good to your blog posts.
- Listen
How to reach a vast audience and remain inspired after posting a lot? Listening to your target reader will definitely help! When you publish your post, you potentially hope to be heard. But use this simple tip – people who are searching the net, sometimes also want to be heard as well. If you try to hear them, learn about their interests, maybe needs, goals, and plans it will be a case when both hares will be caught despite the predictions of the sayings.
- Understand
Understand your audience better than they understand themselves. Understanding your audience better means you’ll have a better idea of what blog content will resonate with them, which is a good start when you get to writing blog posts.
- Have a content strategy
What good can this do to you? The strategy is a must-have in order to speed things up and produce good results every time.
There has been a recent research which has demonstrated that only
37 % of marketers have content marketing strategy
41% of organizations have it, but it remains undocumented
17% of companies promise to have a strategy within 12 months
4% of marketers create posts from time to time and have neither strategy nor set plan even for the short-term period.
You better remember this number! 16 posts a month- this is the number which is more likely to bring a positive return. And if traffic, leads, and sales are your goal — as they should be — you need to be hitting that number.
- Plan topic ideas
This will definitely help to prepare for the month’s content schedule. Planning will also help to discover an angle for writing that is both interesting and worthwhile to read.
- Be happy
Especially with your posts. Simply documenting your posts and writing a quick 1,000 words isn’t enough. Pumping out content that you aren’t proud of will not do any good. Otherwise, you will face this – you highly possibly will struggle to keep people engaged.
- Consider creating longer posts
Longer, more in-depth blog posts generate nine times as many leads as shorter posts. Google ranks top those contents that consist of about 2000 words.
There are simple tactics how to make it done. For example during this period of time, you are going to write about one topic and your plan is to create four posts. But why not to create one longer post? What would you prefer – make it longer and attract more readers or make it regular length and risk of losing readers? We believe starting to create and integrate more long-form content is a better option.
When writing a blog post, you’d better say ‘no’ to
- Creating mediocre content
You can’t expect to grow your business through content marketing if you’re publishing run-of-the-mill posts. if you’re hoping to generate more sales, you need to be producing more content. Blogging is crucial for bringing in cheaper inbound leads at a higher rate.
- Being a spontaneous blogger
Sporadic, unpredictable posting can confuse your readers and convince them never to return. Remember that you can generate a dramatic increase in leads, depending on how often you blog.
- Forgetting the length
The content length is a big factor in a successful post. There is a stereotype about a perfect length- the majority of content creators tend to create an article with a total amount of 1000 words.
The analytics say that within few past years the number of words tends to enlarge:
2014 – The average blog post counted 808 words
2016 – The figures grew up to 887 words
2017 – Finally, it all ended up in the 1054 words in a typical post
- Forgetting the initial purpose of your blog post
People are reading blog posts to have their questions answered. People are coming to your blog to fix a problem they have, so show them how to fix it. Be very specific. Make sure that if you have claimed you would teach “how to”, then you will really give practical and working suggestions and logic techniques on how to. Add actionable step-by-step instructions by walking people through the issue.
- Being old-fashioned in your vision of ideal blog post
New things can be sometimes difficult to learn and use but making yourself get adjusted to them can do lots of good. We are living in the age when we can learn in a second what’s new, how to get it, apply it, etc. Try to learn about the freshest news in your field and write about it, create a video about it, and select such words that will provoke much sharing and discussions.
So just about to end it up. Let’s finish with some statistics. According to the latest statistics, there are millions of blog posts published every single day. It takes the average blogger nearly 10 hours to write a 3,000-word post. B2B buyers will read between three and five blog posts before making a purchase decision.
Remember a blog is an art of speaking to a vast audience about something you are good at. Create masterpiece blog posts and bloom in 2018.
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